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Swiss Meringue Buttercream

15 mins

6 cups

Recipe you are creating:

Swiss Meringue Buttercream

Swiss Meringue buttercream is great for frosting cookies, icing cakes, decorating cupcakes and other sweet treats. The recipe in the video will yield 6 cups of silky-smooth Swiss meringue buttercream.

Recipe Ingredients:

This recipe is part of our Intro to Cake Decorating Class. To get this recipe and more cake recipes take our video on demand cake class today or become a premium all-inclusive member and get access to all of our classes!

Recipe Directions:

This recipe is part of our Intro to Cake Decorating Class. To get this recipe and more cake recipes take our video on demand cake class today or become a premium all-inclusive member and get access to all of our classes!

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Swiss Meringue Buttercream, Buttercream, Dessert, Cake, Cake Recipe, Cake Decorating, Cake Baking, Buttercream Recipe, Frosting Recipe, Icing Recipe, SMBC Recipe


Cake Decorating, Cake, Frosting

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