Corned Beef & Cabbage
20 mins
4-6 servings
Recipe you are creating:
Corned Beef & Cabbage
Did you know that eating corned beef on St. Patrick’s Day is not a real Irish tradition?
True fact! Beef wasn’t readily available in Ireland and was considered a luxury. The Irish tradition was actually ham or bacon.
Fast forward to the Irish arriving in America, the land of, well, plenty of beef.
And that is when corned beef upstaged the traditional ham or bacon and became the Irish-Americans spin on a tradition that originated in their homeland.
Nowadays, you can find this tasty meal on menus all year round, but it's especially popular on St. Patrick's Day. So, why not start your own Corned Beef and Cabbage tradition this year? Our corned beef and cabbage recipe is easy to follow! So invite some friends over, crack open a few beers, and enjoy this delicious meal together. Sláinte!
Recipe Ingredients:
4 pound corned beef
1 head of cabbage
1 sweet yellow onion
4-6 red potatoes (more if you are feeding potato lovers!)
1 pound baby carrots
Crock pot, slow cooker, instant pot or large kettle (stove top method)
Recipe Directions:
I cook my corned beef in a crock pot filled with water. You can use a low cooker, instant pot or in the oven -- use your favorite way of cooking a meat that requires a longer cooking time.
Add the spice packet that came with the corned beef to the pot.
Cover and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer.
Simmer according to the recommended time on your appliance. The key to really good corned beef is to cook until it is fork tender.
I like to remove the corned beef from the crock pot and place it in the 425 degree oven, fat side up, to brown the top. Bake for about 20 minutes or until top is browned.
Add whole potatoes and carrots to the crock pot and cook until the vegetables are almost done. Add cabbage and cook for another 15 minutes.
Remove meat from oven and let rest 15 minutes.
Place vegetables in a bowl and cover. Add broth (cooking liquid reserved from cooking) to the vegetables.
Slice meat across the grain. Serve with veggies and our Irish Soda bread.
Full video below!
A note about ingredients used in our recipes:
When creating our recipes we use the following unless otherwise noted in the recipe:
Eggs = Large Eggs
All Purpose Flour = Unbleached All Purpose King Arthur Flour or Unbleached All Purpose King Arthur Flour Organic
Bread Flour = Unbleached King Arthur Bread Flour or Unbleached King Arthur Bread Flour Organic
Whole Wheat Flour = 100% Whole Grain King Arthur Whole Wheat Flour
Pastry Flour = Bob’s Red Mill Unbleached White Fine Pastry FlourÂ
Almond Flour = Bob’s Red Mill Super-Fine Almond FlourÂ
Tapioca Flour = Bob’s Red Mill Tapioca Flour (Tapioca Starch)
Sour Cream = Full Fat Sour Cream
Yogurt = Full Fat Yogurt
Milk = As indicated or if Milk is just listed you may use 1%, 2% or Whole Milk
Butter = Unsalted Sweet Cream butter unless otherwise noted
How to make corn beef, St. Patrick's Day Recipes, Corn Beef Recipe, Beef Recipes, Corned Beef, Corned Beef & Cabbage
Vegetable, Beef