I love everything about my Winter Wonderland cake! From the frosted blue wafer paper poinsettia to the shimmery, snowy, wafer paper confetti.
My inspiration was the snowy winters I had growing up as a kid. Every winter the 7 acres I lived on and the surrounding woods became my very own winter wonderland. I’d bundle up in my snow clothes and head out to explore the woods while singing “Walking in a Winter Wonderland”! Hey, I was alone, no one could hear my off tune singing but in my head it was fabulous!
The sky the color of the top and bottom cake tiers and the ground covered in sparkling new snow like the middle tier. I’d roam and sing for hours until I inevitably lost a glove, my hat or my scarf. Use to drive my Mom nuts because we wouldn’t find them until spring!

I miss those simple days but this cake makes me smile in appreciation for just how far I’ve come on my journey! So come and join me, and create your own Winter Wonderland cake too!
In the Winter Wonderland cake tutorial, you will create this cake using wafer paper and a scrapbooking machine.
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